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Astral Radiance - The Potential Next Pokemon TCG Set

The potential next set of the Pokemon TCG may now be known to us through a leak on Twitter!

With the release of Brilliant Stars closing in, and the release of Pokemon's latest game, Legends Arceus this week, the hype for new Pokemon content has never been higher. Legends Arceus is set to have new regional variants of well known and beloved Pokemon, such as the final stages of the three starters available in the game. This is all to say however, that Pokemon fans have even more to look forward too!

Leaked earlier this week on twitter, by the user @CentroLeaks, the potential next set, seemingly named Astral Radiance, of the Sword and Shield TCG could potentially be known to us. While this may not be something that is confirmed yet, the likelihood of this being the next set is somewhat high. Pictured here are what appear to be booster boxes, with three clearly distinct Pokemon visible in the picture. From the official silhouettes released by the Pokemon company earlier on the day this article is being written, it is known that what is seen in the picture is in fact the new forms for Typhlosion and Decidueye. From other leaks on twitter Palkia's new form also seems to match up, as seen on the top most visible box. This next part is just an inference, but the top left most box seems to be Dialga's new form, easily picked out by it's distinct color pallet. 


Is this set going to keep the new V-Star cards going? When might this set come out? Whenever more information gets leaked or announced make sure to check back here at TCGStadium to get a summary. 

1 comment on Astral Radiance - The Potential Next Pokemon TCG Set
  • Joey

    This is so sick! I cannot believe the next set got leaked already.

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