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Pokemon's Record-Breaking 22-23 Fiscal Year: 9.7 Billion Cards Printed


Over the course of The Pokemon Company's latest fiscal year, from March 2022 to 2023, a grand total of 9.7 billion cards were printed! This makes the 22-23 fiscal year the third time Pokemon has had its most successful year. It certainly is wonderful to see such a beloved franchise profit so much, and it makes sense with the major popularity Pokemon Card collecting has garnered recently.

In this past year Pokemon has printed approximately 10 billion cards, and during the 21-22 fiscal year 9.1 billion were printed. Over the span of its lifetime the number is about 52.9 billion cards which have been produced, truly showing how much Pokemon has ramped up production recently.

Of course, no one can say that this overdrive in production has come without any drawbacks. Spend only a few minutes either looking online or opening up card packs yourself, and you can easily find a decline in production quality. With the rate of incorrect centering and product errors only seeming to go up, this increase in card production may soon become a bad omen. All of this to say, while certainly Pokemon's latest production quality has been sub-par, there is nothing to indicate that it won't get better with the beginning of the Scarlet and Violet series, and to that we can look forward.

Here's to another successful year of Pokemon!

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