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Kangaskhan and Greninja ex Battle Decks Soon to Come!

Fun news for those looking to dip their toes into playing the Pokemon TCG! Releasing on October 6th, Greninja ex and Kangaskhan ex will be receiving their own ex battle...

Fun news for those looking to dip their toes into playing the Pokemon TCG! Releasing on October 6th, Greninja ex and Kangaskhan ex will be receiving their own ex battle decks. The decks will retail for $9.99 and will include everything you need in order to both learn and play the TCG.

While these ex decks hardly have much worth discussing, the two cards in the set have somewhat interesting origins. The Greninja card is a standard card which can be found in Japan's Ruler of the Black Flame set; it would have appeared in our set Obsidian Flames. Instead of this standard approach, it was instead made into the promotional card we now currently have; The Kangaskhan card alternatively is seen in Pokemon 151, yet featuring a different artwork.

The international promotional variation of this card has a unique artwork which has yet to be seen in Japan, meaning we will more than likely see this artwork down the line in a later Japanese set or product. It is speculated that we may see this artwork in Japan's next holiday set, Shiny Treasure, near the end of this year.


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